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MLB Pitcher, Danny Farquhar, uses Pocket Radar Technology during Rehab - CBS Sports

by Pocket Radar February 20, 2019

MLB Pitcher, Danny Farquhar, uses Pocket Radar Technology during Rehab - CBS Sports

Danny Farquhar has been able to analyze his improvements and overall training since his injury with the Pocket Radar Ball Coach as seen in many of his Instagram Posts.

Farquhar's Instagram houses numerous videos of him using a device called the Pocket Radar Ball Coach -- an instrument he was first introduced to by one of the trainers at his gym. He's flirted with Kopechian velocity using a lighter ball, and in August he set a new personal record for offseason training by hitting 90 mph. "My high in prior off-seasons was 88 miles per hour," he said. "On a turf mound, without a batter in there, it's tough to get pumped up, it's tough to get the adrenaline going."


CBS Sports by R.J. Anderson written Feb 7,2019.

In the CBS article, "Danny Farquhar, 10 months after near-death experience, is throwing harder and hoping to stick with the Yankees"  Anderson talks about Farquhar regaining his strength and his next steps to get back into the big-leagues. Farquhar has been getting stronger and has been able to break and set new personal records with the utilization of the Pocket Radar Ball Coach in his training and reconditioning.

Check out Farquhar’s 30 oz ball throw, reaching a record breaking 106 mph as shown on his Pocket Radar Ball Coach:



After R.J. Anderson’s piece on Danny Farquhar, Matt Snyder then followed up with another CBS article that dives a bit deeper into the benefits of the new Smart Coach Radar.

"In discussing the matter with a local high school coach, who recently won a state championship, he said the best aspect of the Pocket Radar is being able to immediately discuss adjustments with players. For example, a pitcher uses a different arm slot and throws 1-2 miles per hour harder. Immediately, there's a number on it; a substantive way of making the player believe this way helps him."


"The radar is making waves in high school and college baseball, but as noted in the case of Farquhar, many professionals are starting to find it useful as well. Obviously, the scouting community is starting to catch on as well. It's a pretty fun little device that baseball fans might start seeing more and more moving forward. "


CBS Sports by Matt Snyder written Feb 10,2019.

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- Shaina Pacitto, Marketing Intern

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