Fast Bowling Coach at Sussex CCC, Jon Lewis, Reviews the Ball Coach Radar for Cricket

by Tyler Scaturro July 18, 2016

Jon Lewis is one of many coaches in multiple sports that has found the value of adding speed measurements into practice as a powerful training aid for their players and coaching methods.  Unlike the bulkier and more expensive radar guns of the past, the Ball Coach radar was designed as a training tool for coaches and athletes.  It is accurate to within +/- 1 MPH (+/-2 KPH) from 36 meters away on a cricket ball, and its discreet size makes it ideal for measuring youth and professional players without affecting behavior.

The Ball Coach radar provides accurate speed measurements that have allowed players to develop a new level of confidence in hopes of improving their skills over time. Confidence is an acquired skill that is developed over time, but is key when training and performing. Coach Lewis believes his team’s overall performance has improved immensely due to the confidence they have gained from training with the Ball Coach radar.

Here is some feedback we received from Coach Lewis, and his use of the Ball Coach radar at practice with his players:

“I have been using the radar on a daily basis to monitor the air speed of all my bowlers both fast and spin bowlers, it provides me with an accurate reading of how fast the guys are bowling.  This gives me an idea of how they are physical and also gives me real time data that can help me coach my players more consistently.

For example in cricket because the ball bounces after delivery and every surface is different in density it can feel like you are not performing at your top speeds because of the reaction to the ball on the surface.  This can be distracting for a player and can cause them to force pace losing technique and subsequently having a negative mental and performance outcome.

Also I like to measure the change up and down in ball speed for our slower balls , your curve ball/slider/knuckleball etc etc, the radar gives me a great idea of whether the batsman/hitter will be deceived enough to get out.

I think the radar has real scope to aid the coach in cricket and is now an invaluable  tool in my kit bag.

We look forward to hearing more upcoming results from Coach Lewis and the team, and if you have any questions or would like to share your Pocket Radar stories, please give is a call toll-free at 888-381-2672 from 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time, or e-mail us at


Tyler Scaturro
Tyler Scaturro

Brand Manager (2012 - current)

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